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Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

[26] ​​Shi, P., Meier, M.-A., Villiger, L., Tuinstra, K., Selvadurai, P.A., Lanza, F., Yuan, S., Obermann, A., Mesimeri, M., Münchmeyer, J., Bianchi, P., Wiemer, S. (2024) From labquakes to megathrusts: Scaling deep learning based pickers over 15 orders of magnitude. JGR: Machine Learning and Computation (recently accepted) link


[25] Bianchi, P., Selvadurai, P.A., Dal Zilio, L. et al. (2024) "Pre-Failure Strain Localization in Siliclastic Rocks: A Comparative Study of Laboratory and Numerical Approaches." Rock Mech Rock Eng 57, 5371–5395 . link


[24] Kammer, D.S., McLaskey, G.C., Abercrombie, R.E., Ampuero, J-P., Cattania, C., Cocco, M., Dal Zilio, L. Dresen, G., Gabriel, A.-A., Ke, C.-Y, Marone, C., Selvadurai, P.A., Tinti, E. (2024) Earthquake energy dissipation in a fracture mechanics framework. Nat Commun 15, 4736 (2024). link


[24] Rast, M., Madonna, C., Selvadurai, P.A., Wenning, Q., Ruh, J.B. (2024) "Triaxial friction tests on fault slip in clay-rich rocks due to water-clay interactions." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028235. link


[23] Wu, R., Selvadurai, P. A., Li, Y., Leith, K., Lei, Q., & Loew, S. (2023). Laboratory acousto-mechanical study into moisture-induced reduction of fracture stiffness in granite. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105725.


[22] Wu, R., Selvadurai, P.A., Li, Y., Leith, K., Loew, S. (2023) “Laboratory acousto-mechanical study into moisture-induced changes of elastic properties in intact granite” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 170, 105511 link


[21] Selvadurai, P.A., Galvez, P., Mai, P.M., Glaser, S.D. (2023) “Modeling frictional precursory phenomena using a wear-based rate- and state-dependent friction model in the laboratory” Tectonophysics, 847, 229689, link


[21] Köpfli, M., Gräff, D., Lipovsky, B. P., Selvadurai, P. A., Farinotti, D., & Walter, F. (2022) “Hydraulic conditions for stick-slip tremor beneath an alpine glacier” Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100286. link


[20] Selvadurai, P.A., Wu, R., Bianchi, P. et al. (2022) “A Methodology for Reconstructing Source Properties of a Conical Piezoelectric Actuator Using Array-Based Methods.” Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 41, 23. link


[19] Gräff, D., Köpfli, M., Lipovsky, B. P., Selvadurai, P. A., Farinotti, D., & Walter, F. (2021). "Fine structure of microseismic glacial stick-slip". Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL096043. link


[18] Wu, R., Selvadurai, P.A., Chen, C. et al. (2021) “Revisiting Piezoelectric Sensor Calibration Methods Using Elastodynamic Body Waves.” Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 40, 68. link


[17] Passarelli, L., Selvadurai, P.A., Rivalta, E. and Sigurjón, J. (2021) “The source scaling and seismic productivity of slow slip transients”, Science Advances, 7(32) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg9718 link


[16] Villiger, L., Gischig, V.S., Doetsch, J., Krietsch, H., Dutler, N., Jalali, M., Valley, B., Selvadurai, P.A., Mignan, A., Plenkers, K., Giardini, D., Amann, F. and Wiemer, S. (2020), "Influence of reservoir geology on seismic response during decameter scale hydraulic stimulations in crystalline rock", Solid Earth, 11, 627–655,, 2020. link


[15] Selvadurai, A.P.S., Blain-Coallier, A. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2020) "Estimates for the Effective Permeability of Intact Granite Obtained from the Eastern and Western Flanks of the Canadian Shield" Minerals 10, no. 8: 667. link


[14] Selvadurai, P.A. (2019), “Laboratory insight into seismic estimates of energy partitioning during dynamic rupture: An observable scaling breakdown", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124 link 


[13] Selvadurai, A.P.S., Selvadurai, P.A. and Nejati, M. (2019), “A Multi-phasic Approach for Estimating the Biot Coefficient for Grimsel Granite", Solid Earth, link


[12] Selvadurai, A.P.S., Selvadurai, P.A. and Suvorov, A. (2018), “Contact mechanics of a dilatant region located at a compressed elastic interface", International Journal of Engineering Science, 133, pp. 144-168. link


[11] Selvadurai, P.A., Parker, J.M. and Glaser, S.D. (2017a), “Numerical Modeling Describing the Effects of Heterogeneous Distributions of Asperities on the Quasi‑static Evolution of Frictional Slip", Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, link


[10] Selvadurai, P.A., Parker, J.M. and Glaser, S.D. (2017), “On factors controlling precursor slip fronts in the laboratory and their relation to slow slip events in nature", Geophysical Research Letters, 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL072538. link


[9] Saltiel, S., Selvadurai, P.A., Bonner, B.P., Glaser, S.D. and Ajo-Franklin, J.B. (2017), “Experimental development of low-frequency shear modulus and attenuation measurements in mated rock fractures: Shear mechanics due to asperity contact area changes with normal stress", Geophysics, 82(2) P. M19–M36, 10.1190/GEO2016-0199.1. [Awarded the Honorable Mention Best Paper Prize]. link


[8] Selvadurai, P.A. and Glaser, S.D. (2017), “Asperity generation and its relationship to seismicity on a planar fault: a laboratory simulation", Geophysical Journal International, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggw439. link


[7] Selvadurai, P.A. and Glaser, S.D. (2015a), “Characteristics of asperity breakdown along a failing frictional interface using optical-acoustic techniques", Sensors, 15, 9791-9814. link


[6] Selvadurai, P.A. and Glaser, S.D. (2015), “Laboratory-developed contact models controlling instability on frictional faults", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120. link


[5] Selvadurai, A.P.S., Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2015), “Thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in fractured rock formations during glacial advance", Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 7351-7394. link


[4] Selvadurai, P.A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2014), “On the effective permeability of a heterogeneous porous medium: the role of the geometric mean", Philosophical Magazine, 94, 2318-2338. link


[3] Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2011), “Historical Notes: A Momentary Lapse in Concentration by the Genius?", Mathematics Today, 47, 244-245. link


[2] Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Selvadurai, P.A. (2010), “Surface permeability tests: Experiments and modeling for estimating effective permeability", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 466(2122), 2819–2846 [Awarded the IACMAG 2011 Best Paper Prize]. link


[1] Selvadurai, P.A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S. (2007), “On cavity flow permeability testing of a Sandstone", Groundwater, 45(1) 93-97.​​​​​​ link



​Dr. Paul Antony Selvadurai 

ETH Zurich

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Institute of Geophysics

Swiss Seismological Service

Sonneggstrasse 5, NO H17

8092 Zurich, Switzerland


+41 44 633 44 09

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Swiss Seismological Service
ETH Zurich
Swiss National Science Foundation
European Research Council

©2024 by Paul A. Selvadurai. Powered and secured by Wix

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